Sunday, September 4, 2011

Riots also in Yemen

Riots in Yemen
Riots broke out Sunday in the capital of Yemen Sana'a, with hundreds of thousands to demand the removal of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Demonstrations also took place yesterday in the Feeds, the second largest city.
Trying to avoid direct confrontation with fans Saleh, the protesters decided to march in the north of Sana'a, which is under the control of a unit of the army commander who joined the opposition.
The tension peaked when a small group of protesters clashed with loyal to Saleh. Four people were injured, two of fire, said organizers of the protests in the network.
On Saturday in Sana'a deployed troops, the electricity has stopped and most petrol stations have closed.
The opposition calls on supporters to step up their protests against the regime of President Saleh, who is still in Saudi Arabia, where he is recovering after the attack in June, and is expected to return to the country next week.

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