Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Riots between Nigerians and Roma in Mallorca

Dozens of policemen carrying out constant patrols today in a neighborhood of Palma, Mallorca, Spain, with residents of various nationalities, after episodes in which Nigerians were involved Roma and immigrants.
According to police sources, there were five detentions and injuries to two police incidents that erupted Monday as the newspaper «El Pais».
It all started when a group of Nigerian immigrants accused members of the Roma minority that was pushed from a balcony of a compatriot, who lost his life. The police said it was likely to crash and the man fell when he tried to cross from one balcony to another.
Outraged Nigerians accused the police because they arrested the man blamed for the death of his compatriot and started riots, which lasted over three hours. Dozens of cars were burnt and property destroyed, while police used rubber bullets to disperse the participants in the riots.
The incidents took place in the district “Sean Gkotleou” where 40% of the residents are foreign nationals. In the area there had been violence between Nigerians and Roma in 2009.

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