Saturday, September 3, 2011

Revelations about the CIA-MI6 relations with Gaddafi's secret service

Saturday, September 3, 2011,

In close collaboration were the U.S. and British intelligence services with their respective Libyan, as leaked Saturday in print press in U.S. and Britain.
The British newspaper «The Independent», and the U.S. «Wall Street Journal» gained access to the files discovered in a building of the Libyan secret services in Tripoli by the organization for defending human rights, Human Rights Watch (IRW).
Under President George Bush the younger in the United States, the CIA handed over alleged terrorists to the regime of Colonel Gaddafi suggesting questions that the Libyans had put them, writes the Wall Street Journal citing documents found at the headquarters of the Libyan External Security Service.
In 2004, the CIA set up even a permanent presence in Libya, according to a senior official notice of U.S. intelligence

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