Sunday, September 4, 2011

Defeat for the party of Merkel

Sunday, September 4, 2011,
The Conservative Chancellor Merkel declined to rate them now in the regional elections in the Land of the Chancellor, but can continue to govern with the Social Democrats, who seem to provide the first position, according to projections by television networks.
The Liberals (FDP), partners of the Christian Union (CDU / CSU), Mrs Merkel at the federal level are not placed in the Parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (northeast), while the Greens will get in eventually, according to polls at the output the polling stations.
According to state television ARD, the Social Democratic Party SPD will receive 37% of the vote, an increase of almost 7 points compared to the 2006 elections, and the CDU 24%, a decline of 4.8 points.
The outgoing head of the regional government Ervin Seleringk (SPD), declined during the election campaign to say whether he will continue to govern with the CDU or would prefer the far Left (Die Linke), which will take 18% of the votes.
The FDP will receive 3% of the vote, less than 5% required to be represented in parliament, while the Greens will receive 8.5%, which allows them to make their entry for the first time in the parliament of Schwerin.
It is the first time the Greens are represented in all 16 states of the Federal Republic. The far right loses points but managed to pass the 5% necessary to have deputies in parliament.

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