Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gerhardt Schroeder wants the creation of the United States of Europe

Gerhardt Schroeder
Sunday, September 4, 2011 Former German Chancellor, Gerhardt Schroeder, today called for the creation of "United States of Europe", saying that the Union needs a common government to prevent future financial crises.
The Schroeder, Social Democrat, who ruled the country from 1998 to 2005, said in an interview in «Der Spiegel» that EU leaders are wrong to expect that the euro will only lead of the Union.
"The current crisis makes it relentlessly clear that we can not have a common currency area without a common fiscal, economic and social policy," noted Schroeder. He added: "We have to give up national sovereignty."
"From the European Commission should make a government, which will be supervised by the European Parliament. And that means the United States of Europe, "he said.
The Schroeder, who cultivated a close relationship with France over its leadership, expressed his satisfaction with the proposal by German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, to move towards a fiscal union in 2012 .
"Germany and France have sent a strong message to plan for a European economic government, if indeed we are serious and will have the appropriate authority as a European finance minister," said Schroeder.
"This is the right way forward and the requirement for proper funding - Eurobonds. It's a huge bond market, the speculators will have no chance to disperse, "he said.
To initiate these changes, Schroeder said that member states of EU should return to the negotiating table and conclude a new treaty to replace that of Lisbon, which now serves as the Union framework.
"The crisis is a real opportunity to achieve the political unification of Europe," he added.
The Schroeder, who says that the EU will be able to respond to increasing competition with the United States and Asia unite only when full, has long pointed to Britain as an obstacle to further consolidation of the Union.
"Great Britain is causing the greatest problems. It is not the euro, but the British, they always want to participate when it comes to designing a European economic space. And this does not work, "he said.

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