Monday, April 16, 2012

Statements from the “Premier Girls” in Berlusconi trial

Series of  beauties that took part in Berlusconi`s Parties testified to the  Public Prosecutor in the proceedings of the scandal Roumpigkeit opened today, featuring former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.
For the scandal, in which, apart from mr. Berlusconi, held the leading roles, the best friend of a friend and former news director Emilio Rete 4 Fenton and the dentist maker Nicole Mineti, lodge in the morning at times girls were invited to participate the notorious Berlusconi`s  parties.
The entrance of the Prosecutor of Milan, passed the first testifier Makntoum Maria, a dancer of belly dancing. Based on the recorded conversations that are available to the authorities, the dancer, the evening was invited to participate in the Cavalier party, is ready for everything, but not for “The Party” which she explained was a sexual act.
The report of the Woman was very revealing.She said that two young, "De Vivo sisters were dressed only in their underwear. Prime Minister and those touched by touching the genitals. Approaching and the Fenton, and he touched his chest and genitals. Then a Brazilian thong wearing very sexy dancing samba. And other girls dancing showing their breasts and backsides and all of them approached the prime minister who touched. I was stumped. If I knew what would happen in that house, would not go, "she said.
The Prosecutor also submitted Belt Fadil both Miss Piedmont Habré and Chiara. These girls had attended one of the parties given at Berlusconi's villa in Arkore in August 2010. As submitted by the three young, when they realized what was happening left the house because they did not expect to see the "hands of the Prime Minister in a pool" or a challenging game with a statue of Priapus.
Based on the statemens to date it has many features of the trial as the "trial of the repentant," since most of the girls were invited to participate in the party, leaving depositors that when you understand what will follow.
The revelations will continue on April 20,

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