Thursday, August 16, 2012

Air France asked to borrow money from passengers

the crew of an aircraft of Air France, which originally was in Beirut and came to land yesterday in Damascus, was forced to ask passengers how much cash they had with them in order to refill the aircraft with fuel as the Syrian authorities refused to accept payment by credit card, announced today the French carrier. Ultimately, the solution found with another kind of arrangement, Air France stressed.

The aircraft with a final destination of Beirut yesterday evening was forced to alter course as due to incidents could not be landed in the capital of Lebanon and headed to Amman, but intermediate became imperative to land in Damascus because of lack of fuel.

During the landing of the Syrian capital, the crew was informed that payments are accepted by credit card, but only with cash, Air France spokesman stressed.

' Preventive and awaiting developments, the crew asked me how much money had been in cash with them to passengers, in order to pay for the fuel, "the same source stated.

As added the spokeswoman, the company has finally managed to pay the Bill without ‘ ’ borrowed money from passengers, but refused to disclose the method of payment and how was the amount required.

The aircraft, which had departed from Paris, took two hours after the landing in Damascus to pass the night  in Cyprus. This afternoon is expected to arrive in Beirut.

Air France stopped flying to Damascus since March, due to the escalation of conflict in the country and because of the deterioration of bilateral relations between the two countries.

"Because of the bad relations between the two countries and the situation in Syria, the passengers were really terrified to land there," a passenger in Reyters Agency, who asked not to be quoted.

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