Tuesday, August 30, 2011

60 kilos of cocaine hidden in Sweets ended in a ....Funeral!!!

An incredible mistake, which could include a comedy script resulted in the seizure of 60 kilos of cocaine.
Bulgarian gang of drug dealers, attempted to the movement by moving it as icing on traditional buns, known confectionary company.
The gang took advantage of the fact that one of its members worked in the company and devised an evil plan which however would result in a stalemate.
The cocaine was placed in buns, but then everything went wrong.
Funerals in the North, who had taken the funeral elderly, apart from boiled wheat and olives, commissioned by the famous pastry buns a lot.
Like all shows, the gang member who works in the bakery, sent by mistake buns with cocaine at the funeral home, making them ... enjoy family and friends of the dead!
After eating, the attendees at the funeral, showed bizarre behavior, the manager's office to police headquarters to complain about the incident.
Followed a police raid in the laboratory wares, which were remaining quantity.
The actor confessed after interrogation leading to the other members of the gang, who were arrested, while the entire cargo was confiscated 

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