Sunday, September 11, 2011

23 years old girl in Italy died from sadomasochistic practices

In italy an erotic game pushed to unpredictable consequences, according to the rites of the ancient practice of Japanese Shibari:  which has instead turned into a tragedy last night. A girl of just 23 years died of asphyxiation and her friend ended up in a serious condition, while they were hanging by a rope to a pipe from the boiler room of a garage being Settebagni in Rome. To participate in the 'game', an engineer of 42 years, Soter Mulé, then, when something went wrong did not have the readiness to intervene. And'''It all happened suddenly,''he told investigators. The 42-year old was arrested on charges of voluntary manslaughter and injuries. The man and the two girls had spent the evening together in a well-known local Casilina. They drank, smoked, taken perhaps other substances. Then they decided to go for something as extreme as had happened before.
The three reached the basement of the building housing the offices on the upper floors of the Revenue and Enav. A place that the Roman girl, hospitalized in serious condition at St. Andrew, he knew. The 24 year old been working for the company that manages the service desk on behalf Enav. Mulé has 'trapped' the two girls, following precisely the technique of Shibari, an ancient form of Japanese bondage: the strings are knotted in several places to form a network around the body and the neck up. Then he hung up with another rope to a pipe in the ceiling to recreate the mechanism of the scale, a method used in sadomasochistic practices to cause a slight choking. A feeling that would cause a pleasure similar to an orgasm. In turn, the two young men had to go up slightly with the tips of the feet: the one that went up was a little choked by the rope. But something did not go as planned and the 23 year-old fainted. The man was unable to free her and the girl is dead. Shortly before dawn Mulé has called for help.
The medical emergencies arrived on site, attempted to revive the 23 year old native of Lecce, but for her there was nothing to do. The other was taken to hospital instead. A few minutes later they arrived on site the agents of the police investigators.

Soter Mulé, which is part of a sadomasochistic community of Rome, one of the many groups of lovers of extreme sex, was taken to police headquarters, where he was interrogated at length. Then it took the arrest. The officers searched his car and his home, seizing ropes and machines of any kind, used in sexual play. Mule is an expert in techniques of bondage and sexual games that rely on physical restraint to prevent the freedom to move, see, speak or hear

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