Friday, September 2, 2011

Expulsion of the ambassador of Israel from Turkey

Friday, September 2, 2011
In a dramatic diplomatic move, Ankara escalated the rift between Turkey and Israel, announcing the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to the Turkish capital. At the same time, Turkey has announced a freeze of all military agreements with Israel.
This unilateral decision of Ankara to escalate tension in the already deteriorating relations with Tel Aviv is, when Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu to information released by the newspaper «New York Times» for the content of the report of the UN E., which concerns the case of an attack by Israeli forces during the "Freedom Flotilla" carrying aid to Gaza in May 2010.
Nine activists of Turkish origin were killed in the attack off the Israeli coast in, however, international waters.
Ankara has also announced that it accepts the presence of a single Israeli diplomat in Grade B secretary, noting that the entire diplomatic staff of the Israeli embassy in Ankara with the families of diplomats should leave Turkish territory.
Israel prepares response
The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, speedily convened his cabinet to be brokered by the official Israeli response to measures taken by Turkey.
Please note that the President of the Turkish Republic, Abdullah Gul, said just now that "action by Turkey against Israel is only the first phase. There will be a second phase, the contents of which depend on the response of Tel Aviv. "
This is an unprecedented development, which dramatically changed the diplomatic landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially since the official announcement of Turkey talks about protecting the interests of this country, which has a long coastline in the region. This report leaves little room for considerations, it presents, through the backdoor, but clearly, a matter of exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the Eastern Mediterranean.Most recently, Turkey has hardened its stance against the decision with Israel to accede to the exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits east of Cyprus within the EEZs of both countries

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