Thursday, November 3, 2011

Court in Greece relieve Bloggers

Crime in the press is not achieved in the case of blogs. " The above legal terms, topical than ever because of the constant persecution of the blog owners nationwide, contained in the grounds of No. 64/2010 voluminous decree of the Council of Misdemeanors Ilia, which acquitted the signatory to post on his blog concerning the former Deputy Mayor of Zaharo.As stated: "The blog is a technical Web applications, in particular a site by way of personal diary, the owner-manager whose (blogger) record and communicate their views on various issues he chooses. Is publicly accessible in theory to all Internet users, who are responding to stimuli they receive from reading the views of the owner-manager of the blog, may respond to the views of the writer and announcing the same blog their own comments, which are also readable. The owner-manager has the ultimate ability to use data access select readers of this blog and also decide if this and what the readers are allowed to announce their own comments to it. "
"So the blog is an interactive communication medium indefinite number of persons and at this point varies from site to keep the media on the Internet, because the configuration of the content is not decided only by the principal and journalists of the average information but by Internet users who are blog readers. "
"The fact that the owner-manager of the blog is not obliged to use real data but may appear to readers using pseudonyms, so none of them visiting the blog does not know his true identity, does not negate the characterization of blog as an electronic form, as indeed in written forms of traditional form is usually the articles under a pseudonym. "
And in another place states: "In the absence of regulation and case-law resolve the issue under investigation, tackling anafyentos legal vacuum is achieved by way of application of existing legislation, both on substantive and procedural level of control."
"In the blog there is no standard hierarchical organization structure found in traditional forms, ie there is no owner, publisher, director, editor, or answered the respective faces of the Law 1178/1981 on the radio and television stations."

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