Thursday, September 15, 2011

New evidence about the tragedy in Fukushima

Researchers announced yesterday that the melting of the reactor No. 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant could have been avoided if the drops of water from the special teams took place four hours earlier. Specifically, a spokesman for the Japan Atomic Energy Agency said that according to findings based on a simulation computer, a core meltdown would not happen if there were greater coordination and faster action.
Earlier, the manager Tepco said that the analysis of data so far collected from the site of a nuclear accident shows that the cooling system stopped working shortly after the devastating earthquake of 8.9 Richter scale on March 14 and specifically at 13:00 noon.
The first drops of water out at 20:00 the same evening, after the special teams had gone to reduce pressure inside the reactor.However, this delay caused the melting of ingots with nuclear fuel, resulting in at 20:00 on the afternoon of March 15th (100 hours after the earthquake) the bulk of it has melted and has "dropped" at the bottom of the tank .
The simulation showed that if the surgery had taken place four hours earlier could be avoided and the melting temperature will not exceed the 1,200 degrees Celsius caused the destruction of the facility.
"The new data raise questions about the movements of Tepco immediately after the devastating earthquake," said Mr. M. Hirano, head of the department.

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