Thursday, November 10, 2011

ASIMO the new robot from Honda

The Japanese company Honda introduced a few days ago one of the most advanced robot, which should ease in many cases the everyday man.
The automobile industry has known in recent years invested large funds in the field of robotics in an effort to create sophisticated models that can survive in inhospitable and dangerous for humans environments.
The «Asimo» has the ability to run, jump and move with comfort items up to 25 pounds and is the remarkable ability to unscrews the top of various objects.
Company spokesman explains that this model, which hasevolved in several areas compared to the corresponding quarter of 2005, could be used in companies in the Fukushima Daiichinuclear plant where there was extensive leakage of radioactivity after the devastating earthquake of 8.9 degrees the Richter scale on 11 March.

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