Thursday, December 1, 2011

Afghanistan woman have to marry her rapist

The woman was raped by a man and even gave birth to his child. And now, not to die she have to  marry him.
The President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai ordered the release of Afghans who had been imprisoned for "adultery" and was raped, but the unfortunate woman should marry the rapist, from which it has acquired a child.
About 5,000 people signed a petition calling for the release of Gkioulnaz who was alive at two years in prison after being raped by a relative back home. The woman grew even her child in her cell in Kabul.
After a sharp outcry caused by this assumption Mr. Karzai convened meeting officials of the judiciary, who decided to pardon the woman, said a spokesman of the Afghan presidency, Aimal Faizi.
But, according to Mr. Faizi these officials also estimated that Gkioulnaz should marry the rapist, not endangered after its release, the stigma that affects victims of rape in this country.
"He consented to this marriage, but only if the sister (the rapist) married her brother," he added, explaining that this requirement is to ensure that her husband would abuse her sexually in the future.
Such phenomena are now commonplace in countries of the Muslim world where it is usually the woman is punished even with death and the rapist husband sometimes does not suffer anything ...

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