Wednesday, August 31, 2011

changes on Facebook

A number of changes to security settings for users, is preparing the facebook, in an effort to help its members operate better and more reliable their personal information.
Among the changes will become apparent from the August 25, is the choice of who can see each item separately posted by users, while users will be identified in a publication (in photo or video), we have option to erase the publication before it affects them "ascend" to their profile.
Still, more could be identified and people are not necessarily friends of the person making the publication, labeling the region could also be done by computer, not only by cell phone as valid so far, while allowing the possibility that the user sees how other people view her profile.
The vice president of Facebook Chris Cox, in his statements indicated that these changes do not mean that the current options have problems, just such an improvement. In the future, we expect to see improved security options, as facebook is planning to officially addressed to children under 13 years.

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