Monday, December 19, 2011

the last American convoy left from Iraq

  The last convoy of U.S. troops from Iraq was retired Sunday, writing the end credits of the nine-year stay of U.S. military in the country. A permit review is the loss of almost 4,500 lives of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians. Now Iraq is required to close wounds and to fight for the conquest of political stability.
The war, which began in March 2003, the bombing of Baghdad with missiles and smart bombs in order to remove the Saddam Hussein came to an end, leaving the country in the Gulf with a fragile democracy, trying to deal with rebels , religious tensions and challenges to determine the position of the country in a time of great turmoil in the Arab countries.
The last American convoy of around 100 American armored vehicles carrying 500 troops spent the night in the desert of southern Iraq and arrived at the border with Kuwait.

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